Monday, May 9, 2011

Shingo Sato

Having not made anything in a while, left me with designer's block. I was on a hunt for inspiration and came across Shingo Sato's videos on transformational-reconstruction pattern design. It's an intuitive way of going about making patterns, enabling experimentation without the constraints of traditional drafting methods. While the dart manipulation techniques weren't new to me, I was intrigued by the creation of the 3D styles he demonstrated. Shingo Sato has held pattern workshops at some high profile fashion education institutions, introducing students to a fresh way of creating. He also designs for private clientele.

I recommend these videos to anyone remotely interested in how clothes come to life. This isn't the way it's usually done, but is definitely a more fun and inspiring way. You can visit his youtube channel where there are more videos. My favorites are the ones below. Watching them require a bit of patience, but the end result is worth it!!



Shingo Sato's book cover.


  1. love it love it love it!!!

    following you

    do follow me back:)

  2. WOW! I don't think I'm capable of understanding the intricacies but its so damn intriguing :)

  3. I just about understand it, but I am sure it will be more difficult then it looks!

  4. i love that dress and want it soooo bad!!!

  5. If you mean the stripey book cover one...only you could pull that off! :D

  6. I have started to make some of these pieces and have got a new found love for inspirational and transformmational reconstruction, absolutely love it.
